Monday, December 10, 2012

Friday in the Garden 11.30.12

Today was a beautiful day to be outside. We made wreaths from items in nature and tried sunflower seeds. My adorable Foxes each wrote their own blogs. Here is today's experience in their own words. Enjoy.

The first thing we did was...Make a wreath we loved it. I hope we go again.

First we go the garden. Next we did observation and got flower seeds. Then we switched places. Last we decorated a wreath and a teacher hung it on the fence. 

First we went to the garden and we split the class. On my first one we explored the garden.  Next we had another station. We made a wreath. I love garden days. Bye bye.

(back reads: The garden rocks!)

At the garden. Today we went to the garden. We met adults Mrs. Joanne and Mrs. Patty. Next, we split up to make wreaths. I got to eat...more sunflower seeds. In the garden is Awesome!!

(back reads: our wreath was awesome!!!!!!)

First we went to a table that was filled with nature. Next Ms. Jo Anna said we were going to make a wreath. Then we went over to another part of the garden and saw a dead sunflower and Ms. Jo Anna said they put out their seeds and you could eat them. It was a wonderful day! 

First we went to observe the garden. We saw cauliflower. Next we went to the other side and finished the wreath that the other [part of the] class started. We put the wreath on the fence. I had fun today!

Foxes at the garden. First we went to the garden. We got split up in two. I went with the 2nd group. Next we made a wreath. Then we had the most delicious seed ever in my life!

We went to the garden. It was cold outside a little bit. We made a wreath too. Next we switched groups. Next we observed the garden.

Today we made a Christmas decoration. We made it awesome! We looked eated our plants. We ate seeds.

Firs we explored the garden. Next we split into two groups and they have 8 and 9. I want to go to the garden again. Last we lined up. I want to go to the garden again.

Today we went to the garden. The first thing we did is split up. One of the groups did the wreath. The other group looked at stuff. 

Friday, November 16, 2012

Friday in the Garden 11.16.12

Ok, we're back! Enjoy the following by my fabulous Foxes...

What a cool day to be in the garden. The temperature was 58 degrees. We had our math journals and pencils and were ready to learn. First we observed the garden to look at everything new. Fuzzy caterpillars were everywhere! We also saw dying sunflowers which will drop seeds and rotting pumpkins which will help the soil.

Next we turned our math journal to a  fresh clean page and we roamed the garden to spot fractions. We found that a butterfly's wings are in halves because there are two and they are equal. We also saw three baby pumpkins in a group. Each pumpkin was one out of three. We saw the herb wheel and it was in four equal parts. The two paths divided it into fourths. There were many other fractions in the garden too. Then we went back to the stumps and shared what we wrote. 

Last we watered our cabbage and looked at the giant holes where our new trees are going to be planted. We can't wait to see the new trees in the garden! 

Thursday, November 15, 2012

Friday in the Garden 11.09.12

Last Friday I was watching my wonderful nephews so I missed out on garden but my precious Foxes made it. We have also missed a couple of Friday's due to happenings around school, and we are glad to be back! Instead of a class blog, the kids wrote their own blogs and drew pictures to match. Their writing is something I love to read and it is so fun to decode! I have transcribed exactly what they wrote and have translated if necessary, and if possible :). Enjoy.  

"My klas wint to the garden we had to mack (make) 3 gropts (groups) my grop solal (saw) 2 foze (fuzzy) kelallipitrst (caterpillars)."

"Today at the garden we meshered across the flower bed. And it was fun!"
"Today at the garden we did ourvashin (observation) and the timchr (temperature) was 72. we medrd (measured) the lef (length) of the bed and we medr (measured) the lef of the sasis (spaces) beteing (between) the cabbages."

"We went to The garden. We haded a grat time at the garden. I like the garden. We all like the garden. I Sal (saw) a cadapiler, Pumkin and Plants." 

"I so (saw) a dutrfiy (butterfly) it wus coold (cool) it had culrz. I so (saw) a pucin (pumpkin) to I Thot (thought) They were cud cep lon I like to crv (carve) a pucin!"

"At the garden! We wint to the garden we adsrd (observed). I fand (found) Bees and a fusi (fuzzy) cadipilr! I Love the garden!..." 

"Garden i saw a catapilr on a plan (plant) NO MORE" 

"We megrd (measured) in detwingn (between) plans (plants) it whus (was) so fun! it whus are (our) first time to do it!"

"Helo Ms. P at the garden we saw fuzzy caterpillers. I experenst (experienced) kale. I miss you! =("

"fest (first) uwr (our) clas did upvshin (observation) in ufvshin (observation) we did look for plant an (and) insat (insects)" 

"Friday at the garden. I sold (saw) a catrpilr it wus (was) posis (poisonous) and cabbages. I mis you biy (bye)." 

"we whel (went) to The GarbeN iT Was f We So (saw) Caplirs Thay (they) wor (were) Black Tay SPrK"

"we wint to the goridn (garden) thin we got in to grops (groups) we magrd (measured) bockle (broccli) and marugolds (marigolds)!"

"We went garden and my class observd."

"I wit (went) to the garden I sllae (saw) 7 calrpilr (caterpillars) and I sllae (saw) plis it was fune."

"My flower was growing."

"I ma (am) at the godin (garden) toobay (today) we muJrd (measured) plantS."

Aren't they just precious?!? 
Measuring using nonstandard units
Making observations

Friday, October 19, 2012

Friday in the Garden 10.19.12

Today was Rock Star Day because we have been studying rocks! Some of us had colored hair, spiky hair, and some of us dressed up. When we went to the garden Ms. Jo Anne said we looked like Rock Stars. 
Ms. Jo Anne showed us different types of soil and then showed us the Pomegranate tree. Our soil is good for growing Pomegranate trees. The Pomegranates looked like a kind of reddish brownish sphere. They had like a little tail. Then we went back to the garden classroom and she showed us the tough skin. You can not eat Pomegranate skin but you can eat the seeds. The Pomegranate looked soft on the inside and there were a lot of seeds. The seeds looked like little water balloons. Some of us would like to try one but they are not ripe yet.
After that we went to see which soil holds the most water with our rain simulator. We found out that the very last one held the most water which means most water went into the ground. This is good for plants' roots. 
Last we saw caterpillars, watered our plants, and sang our Rock Song for Ms. Jo Anne.

Have a Rock Star day!!! 
-Ms. Phillips' First Grade Foxes

Friday, October 12, 2012

Friday at the Garden 10.12.12

We observed a lot in the garden today. The temperature was 78F. The air felt cool and windy. It also sometimes felt warm because the sun was shining. We noticed little tiny ants in the flowers, a beetle on our teacher's shoe, and we saw bees buzzing around people and getting pollen. We noticed that our lettuce seeds had some buds. We noticed our plants were bigger and we're excited that our plants are growing good and healthy. There were also trees that were cut down and stumps. There was lots to see today. 

After that we went over to the picnic table and we observed how local soils are alike and different. Then we put the dirt in a vial and added water. We shook it up. It was fun shaking it up. Now we ended our day with a happy feeling and played with our vials. We're waiting to see what they look like after the weekend. Garden is so fun! 

By Ms. Phillips's First Grade Class