Friday, October 19, 2012

Friday in the Garden 10.19.12

Today was Rock Star Day because we have been studying rocks! Some of us had colored hair, spiky hair, and some of us dressed up. When we went to the garden Ms. Jo Anne said we looked like Rock Stars. 
Ms. Jo Anne showed us different types of soil and then showed us the Pomegranate tree. Our soil is good for growing Pomegranate trees. The Pomegranates looked like a kind of reddish brownish sphere. They had like a little tail. Then we went back to the garden classroom and she showed us the tough skin. You can not eat Pomegranate skin but you can eat the seeds. The Pomegranate looked soft on the inside and there were a lot of seeds. The seeds looked like little water balloons. Some of us would like to try one but they are not ripe yet.
After that we went to see which soil holds the most water with our rain simulator. We found out that the very last one held the most water which means most water went into the ground. This is good for plants' roots. 
Last we saw caterpillars, watered our plants, and sang our Rock Song for Ms. Jo Anne.

Have a Rock Star day!!! 
-Ms. Phillips' First Grade Foxes

Friday, October 12, 2012

Friday at the Garden 10.12.12

We observed a lot in the garden today. The temperature was 78F. The air felt cool and windy. It also sometimes felt warm because the sun was shining. We noticed little tiny ants in the flowers, a beetle on our teacher's shoe, and we saw bees buzzing around people and getting pollen. We noticed that our lettuce seeds had some buds. We noticed our plants were bigger and we're excited that our plants are growing good and healthy. There were also trees that were cut down and stumps. There was lots to see today. 

After that we went over to the picnic table and we observed how local soils are alike and different. Then we put the dirt in a vial and added water. We shook it up. It was fun shaking it up. Now we ended our day with a happy feeling and played with our vials. We're waiting to see what they look like after the weekend. Garden is so fun! 

By Ms. Phillips's First Grade Class

Saturday, October 6, 2012

Friday in the Garden 10.05.12

My wonderful first graders wrote this blog about our garden visit on Friday. I aided them only minimally. How amazing are they?

We go to the garden every Friday. We feel happy when we are around nature. Today was cool and windy. The temperature was 73F. We noticed lots of new things in the garden. Some of them were watermelon, purple plants, a butterfly, broccoli, a dead scorpion, and mushrooms made by an art class.

When we got back to the garden classroom we did a making soil activity. We filled a container with golf balls to represent sand. Even though it was full we could still fit more. We then fit pebbles to represent silt. The container was full but there was still more room so we added sand to show clay in soil. After that we put water and saw bubbles because air was trying to push to the top. Air is between all the particles. It was awesome that we got to create a model and help.

Next, we looked at our mud shake and saw all the stuff that’s in soil like leaves, worms, water, bark, silt, and clay. The last thing we did was plant lettuce and eat small red tomatoes. Garden was fun, we hope to go again soon.